

Editorial Eu


I am sorry that this issue is delayed, but I indicated in #45 that it would be. I didn't arrive home from my trip until several days after the finished copy would have to be in the rinter's hands for a first of the month delivery, so naturally the publication date was moved up.

I'm sorry that more of you didn't read about this in the last issue because I've been plagued with letters giving me the date of the order and asking where the heck it was. This lack of getting the message has cost readers a lot of worry and postage and me a lot of time opening such mail. I have not taken time from the handling of the terrific backlog of mail on hand (with more coming in every day of course) to reply to these letters because in most cases the order had been filled and shipped about the time the letter had been written. However, if you have not received an order sent in in Aug. or Sept. by the time this print comes to your attention please do let me know because the backlog will all have been cleared by then and any unshipped orders were either never received, lost by the P.0. or we have made a boo boo here at Chevalier and I would certainly want to know which for my own sake as well as yours.

II. WOULD YOU BELIEVE? Yes, it's true the "TV and His Wife" is finally out and available at $4. It is $1 more than the old price which appears on the price list because that is the price that the publisher put on it. They did a very nice job on it and it is a production that can sit with ease on any bookstores shelves--or on yours. If this doesn't help recalci-

trant wives then take them to the headshrinker be- cause they will be the ones that have the problem.